Not all GREENS are equal

We are fortunate to be surrounded by greeneries in Singapore. “Some 47% of Singapore is covered in greenery despite urbanization” according to URA. This is what Singaporeans are proud of. ( However, “greens” that are for human is not the same as the “greens” that are natural homes of our native wild animals and plants. Parks, gardens, fields, grass verge, golf courses, state land and farm land are not the same as the four natural green areas that have been declared Nature Reserve in Singapore. Our 4 Nature Reserves:

  1. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR)
  2. Central Catchment Nature Reserve (CCNR)
  3. Labrador Nature Reserve (LNR)
  4. Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (SBWR)
Nature Reserve Area/ km2
BTNR 1.63
CCNR 28.80
Labrador Nature Reserve 0.10
Sungei Buloh 13.00
All 4 Nature Reserves 31.83

[Source: NParks website] The total land area of Singapore to date is 710 km2. The 4 Nature Reserves occupy only about 4.48% of the total land area of Singapore, out of the 47% greenery. [Source from MND:] The focus in this section is mainly only on BTNR and CCNR.

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